I'm used to being in the practice of looking at images, but right now it's consuming my life. So to take a break from the array of slide tests, essays and other art history non-sense I'm elaborating on a theme I explored for an assignment in IB Art. Our first year midterm was to design our own exhibition around a theme of your choice with between 10 to 20 works of art from different media and I chose to document the changing style of female portraiture through the ages...
La Scapigliata, Leonardo DaVinci, 1508
Grunge à la Marc Jacobs in the 90s
Plummage - Roman - Flavian Dynasty, Cary Kwok, 2007
Close up of The Birth of Venus, Sandro Botticelli, 1485
The first supermodels
Afghan Girl, Steve McCurry, 2002
Woman I, Willem de Kooning, 1950-2
Your body is a battleground, Barbara Kruger, 1989
Frida Kahlo
Les Demoiselles D'Avignon, Pablo Picasso, 1907
Coutney Love signing at a Givenchy after-party
Olympia, Édouard Manet, 1863
Head Bombarded with Grains of Wheat, Salvador Dali, 1954
Turquoise Marilyn, Andy Warhol, 1962
Some Girls album cover, Rolling Stones, 1978
Photo of Jackson Pollock and Lee Krasner

Weeping Woman, Pablo Picasso, 1937
Our idea of the stereotypical 1950s woman
Girl with a Pearl Earring, Johannes Vermeer, 1665
The girls of Sex and the City
Nefertiti Bust, Thutmose, 1345 BCE
Ruth Smoking, Julian Opie, 2006
For Your Pleasure album cover, Roxy Music 1973
Venus di Milo, Alexandros of Antioch, 130-100 BCE
Yulia Kharlapanova in Marie Claire Italia June 2011
Man I feel like a woman.
- Life is good
Listening to: 'Breeze' - Apollo Sunshine
Observations: Failsafe feel better = Geordie Shore
Craving: A way to keep tea warm permanently
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