Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A new year warrants new art

So it may have been over a month since my last post and it is now the year 2012 in which I enter my last year of university, turn twenty-one, go to the Olympic opening ceremonies, see my parents celebrate twenty-five years of marriage, start freaking it about grad schools or jobs and start making some life choices. Life slow down!

I'm back in Canada and it's the first week of classes which means a lot of art is coming my way. And what better to celebrate my new adventures than showcase a brilliant series of creative art 'remakes' featured on BOOOOOOOOOOM, the new art website I recently discovered. These are some re-imaginations of famous paintings that I thought were simply nifty. Enjoy!

“Study for Portrait” by Francis Bacon and remade by Tanya Houghton

"The Two Fridas” by Frida Kahlo and remade by Claire Ball

"Grande Odalisque” buy Ingres and remade by Craig White

"Creation of Adam” by Michelangelo and remade by Spencer Pidgeon

“El Tres de Mayo” by Francisco Goya and remade by Rubén B Bee

“Fountain” by Duchamp and remade by Harry Fast

“Bedroom in Arles" by Van Gogh and remade by Joshua Louis Simon

“Son Of Man” by René Magritte and remake by Hadas Boneh

"Dance” by Matisse and remade by Samantha Madonik

“Woman with a guitar” by Georges Braque and remake by Niklas Enhag 

“Portrait of Sylvia Von Harden” by Otto Dix and remade by Stephan Hoffman & SoYeon Kim

“Café Terrace at Night” by Van Gogh and remade by Jonathan Pruc

“The Treachery of Images” by René Magritte and remade by Sophia

“The Kiss” by Gustav Klimt and remake by Sybille de Chavagnac

“Bicycle Wheel” by Marcel Duchamp and remake by Thomas Albdorf 

[All images from Boooooooom]

So what do you think? Some are hilarious, some are creative and some are just so spot on it's insane. I've been wanting to do my own version of "Son of Man" for so long... now I have incentive to do so.   

- Life is good

Listening to: 'Boom Blast' - Wiley
Observations: Art art art art lots and lots of art
Craving: Butter and brown sugar

1 comment:

  1. I loved "Son of Man", I think the Iphone, as an icon of consumerism, represents the veil for men...for it is in front of his eyes.
